Worship set for PALM SUNDAY – April 13, 2014

Hosanna, Your Kingdom Reigns, King of Glory, This Is Amazing Grace, Take My Life (Holiness)


It’s Palm Sunday! The day when we celebrate Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem … kicking off the beginning of what we call Passion Week. The word passion here comes from the Greek word for suffering. But before his suffering begins, Jesus arrives triumphantly at Jerusalem and is welcomed by a throng of followers who recognize him as the Messiah who has come to save them. They begin laying down palms and branches on the ground, which symbolized triumphant victory, and they cried out “Hosanna!” Which means “Come Save Us, Lord.” Or “save us quickly”.

Joe Yarbrough, our high school director, and I were talking the other day and he brought up the great point that these people were shouting “save us” and what they meant was “save us from this oppressive Roman government that’s ruling over us.” But what Jesus came to actually save them from was far greater and more significant than just an oppressive government. He came to free not only the Jewish people, but the entire world, and to free us all from the oppressive rule of SIN. And this freedom last forever.

The crowd on that first Palm Sunday hoped that Jesus would become the King of the Jews and rule them benevolently. But way better than that, Jesus was and still is the King of Kings. And his kingdom will reign forever! Amen?

As the choir comes to sing this song for us, I want to invite you to sit back and reflect on this King of Glory, who has come to set us free. He is mighty in power, mighty to save, and His kingdom reigns forever! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Your Kingdom Reigns

King of Glory

We praise You, God, as the King of Kings, the King of Glory, who reigns over all.

And we are SO glad that you came to seek and to save the lost. We still need your saving grace, lord. Come save us, even now. Be our savior! Amen.

As we sing this next song, we have the privilege of honoring God by bringing our tithes and offerings to him; and presenting our offerings to the King. The ushers will be passing the offering bags down the rows, and I encourage you to let this be your most sincere act of worship this morning. And after you pass the bag along, would you stand again as we sing before the King.

This Is Amazing Grace

This is a very simple song with a simple sentiment, but when sung sincerely and from the heart it is one of the most beautiful prayers we could possibly pray. Let’s make this song our prayer.

Take My Life (Holiness)

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