Sing and Shout, Col 2:13-15, Isaiah 1:18, John 3:16-17, Stronger, Cornerstone, 1 Tim. 6:15-16, King Continue reading
Monthly Archives: January 2014

Jesus Wept
John 11:35. It’s the shortest verse in the Bible. When I was a kid in Sunday School, it was kind of a joke verse. Our teachers of course wanted to make sure we were memorizing scripture, so this was the “go to” verse. “Of course I have some scripture memorized, Mrs. Davis; Let me recite it for you: John 11:35 says ‘Jesus Wept’.” (snicker snicker) I don’t think I’m the only kid who ever tried to get credit for doing the least possible amount of work. I probably spent more time and energy trying to find the easiest way of doing things, more time and energy than if I had just done the thing the right way from the beginning, but it was a game for me. And I was pretty good at it.
I don’t think of John 11:35 as a joke any more, and I don’t think of it as a simple way to do the least amount of work in memorizing scripture. I think of it as one of the most beautiful and powerful verses in the Bible (granted there sure are a lot of beautiful and powerful verses in the Bible). Continue reading

“I Come Alive” (Run To You-I Need You, Kari Jobe)
One of my favorite worship songs (and I admit I have many), is “Run To You (I Need You)” By Kari Jobe. I love having this song stuck in my head because it’s the kind of prayer I want to pray all throughout the day, every day; it’s the kind of prayer that sets the day right – puts things into perspective and helps me keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, the “author and perfector of (my) faith.”
If you are a follower of Christ, or a Christian at all, then you certainly recognize and acknowledge your need for and dependence on God…or at least you’re able to admit it. But when we keep that dependence in the forefront of our minds (fixing our eyes on Jesus), then we end up leaning on Him instead of leaning on our own strength and our own wisdom.
We are called as followers of Christ to remain humble, keeping a true and accurate perspective on our selves and our place in this world, and being constantly aware of our need for and dependence on God is a great way to do that!
But my favorite line in this anthemic song is in the middle of the Chorus:
“I come alive when I’m in Your presence”. This resonates with me at a heart level for sure. This is at the center of my testimony. This is one of the foundational reasons behind why I chose to follow Christ, and i can’t help but think of my “life verse”: John 10:10b “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.” Continue reading
Songs from Sunday January 5, 2014
We kicked off the New Year with a great worship set at LIFEhouse:
Only A God Like You, At The Cross, Before The Throne, Faithful God Continue reading
Cornerstone / The Solid Rock
Here’s one of my new favorite songs, “Cornerstone” by Hillsong. It’s based on the old hymn “The Solid Rock” by Edward Mote. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What’s your favorite contemporary version of an old hymn? Leave a comment.